The 5 Bodies

I truly hope this email finds you well considering the worldwide shifts we're all experiencing as a collective.

I'm changing things up and sharing my first video newsletter!

Alright my friend if you got to watch the whole video, here are the links I told you I would share:

Self- Care Resources for all 5 Bodies

Spiritual Body

Meditation App - Insight Timer

Meditations from my friend Leah Kinsella

Read about my Vippassana Meditation Experience

Mental Body

My favorite "Mental Diet" speaker is Dr. Joe Dispenza following his social media accounts, signing up to his newsletter, or reading his books will give you a really good mental upgrade, he also has a phenomenal show on GAIA TV called Rewire.

Emotional Body

There is a Facebook group that a friend started called "Spread The Love" - she invited Megan and I to a Live to share about our program and some tips to help with what's going on. There is a schedule for free classes, lectures, and all things well-being and a place where you may connect with like-minded individuals looking for a place to connect, learn, and share how we're feeling.

Energetic Body

One of my favorite resources for learning about the energy body, specifically chakras is Anodea Judith click on her name for her freebies page.

Physical Body

Stay active however it works for you, there are tons of classes on youtube and other social networks from yoga, to fitness, and dance.

Eat whole foods. Foods that are fresh and have been touched by the sun.

My one-stop-shop for learning more about all things healthy is GAIA TV full of movement classes, cooking classes, movies, documentaries, you name it.

In short - Eat food that has been touched by the sun, drink water, get some sun, get good sleep, exercise, have fun, and find laughter in your day.

I have a lot more resources to dive deeper into all this in my online coaching program Integrate To Upgrade. Click the button below to learn more.

As always thank you for opening this email and reading, please write me back if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, your feedback is greatly appreciated.

I am available for virtual private sessions for health coaching and yoga, I know most people's budget are a bit in savings mode right now but don't let that keep you from reaching out to me if you feel you can use a session, we'll work it out.

Much love, stay healthy, safe, and sane. You got this!
